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Determine Your USGA Handicap

Refer to USGA Handicap System for official information.

The procedure for calculating Handicap Indexes is as follows:
  1. Determine handicap differentials -- Handicap Differential = (Adjusted Gross Score - USGA Course Rating) x 113 / USGA Slope Rating
  2. Average the handicap differentials being used -- See table below to determine number of handicap differentials to use
  3. Multiply the average by .96 *
  4. Delete all numbers after the tenths� digit -- Do not round off to the nearest tenth
* Bonus for Excellence is the incentive that is built into the USGA Handicap System for players to improve their golf games. It is the term used to describe the small percentage below perfect equity that is used to calculate Handicap Indexes (96%). As his Handicap Index improves (gets lower), the player has a slightly better chance of placing high or winning a handicap event.

Use the table below to determine the number of handicap differentials to use

Number of Acceptable Scores Differentials To Be Used
5 or 6 Lowest 1
7 or 8 Lowest 2
9 or 10 Lowest 3
11 or 12 Lowest 4
13 or 14 Lowest 5
15 or 16 Lowest 6
17 Lowest 7
18 Lowest 8
19 Lowest 9
20 Lowest 10

Example 1 - Fewer than 20 scores

The following is a sample scoring of a player with 11 scores.

Total of lowest 4 handicap differentials: 104.1
Average (104.1 / 4): 26.025
Multiply average by .96: 24.984
Delete digits after tenths: 24.9
USGA Handicap Index: 24.9

Example 2 - Twenty Scores available

The following is a sample scoring of a player with 20 scores.

Total of 10 lowest differentials: 154.8
Average (154.8 / 10): 15.48
Average multiplied by .96: 14.861
Delete all digits after tenths: 14.8
USGA Handicap Index: 14.8